Lola Rae


Lola Rae Griffin made her grand debut July 6, 2016 at 12:38 AM; she missed her due date of July 5 by just a few minutes. Here’s all the events leading up to the grrrandest event ever! DISCLAIMER: Photos (by the fabulous Celeste Nield Photography) and events are the real deal here….

Lennyn came a few days early, so I had been verrry antsy for about a week at this point. My midwife (D’Anne Moon, Certified Nurse-Midwife at The Lodge) and I had thought that this babe may follow about the same timeline.I had been using essential oils, doing lunges and squats, bouncing on the exercise ball, going for walks with one foot in the gutter and one on the curb (yes…I was desperate people!), and just about every other “safe” and “natural” induction method by this point.

I had been extremely lucky with this pregnancy and didn’t get swollen or truly miserable until the last few days. With Lennyn, I was feeling pretty crappy about the entire last two months (diet, exercise and supplements made a world of difference this go around).

On July 5, I was having contractions that felt a bit different, but still wasn’t getting my hopes up. I had been having fairly strong Braxton-Hicks for about a month at this point and didn’t have any other “signs” that labor was truly on it’s way. I had finally been able to get in with my Foot Zoning lady at 2:45 that afternoon; she did a regular Foot Zone Session, then did a specialized zone where she “stripped” my membranes. OUCH! My whole body was sweating by the end of it….but obviously it was worth it!

After my zone I headed in to my doctor’s appointment and D’Anne checked everything, tried to strip my membranes (but Lo was at too high of a station for it to truly be effective, she thought) and found that I was measuring slightly small. This caused concern that the amniotic fluid may be low, which can cause the baby distress. We did an ultrasound and it confirmed the fluid level was slightly lower than what they like to see. At this point I was told that we would monitor her heart rate and if there was any distress, I would be on my way up to the hospital to be induced. UGH. I felt sick! Being induced (typically started on Pitocin, the synthetic form of Oxytocin, makes  STRONG uterine contractions and most people find it impossible to labor “naturally” with it). I called Tay and we both were pretty stressed.

While being monitored for 30 minutes, I started googling  people’s experiences trying to labor without an epidural when induced. It did NOT give me hope that I would be able to have the labor and delivery I had planned, prayed and prepared for. I was praying that I would be inspired to know if my baby truly would be ok and debating on whether I should fight being induced or if it truly would be in mine and my baby’s best interest to have this medical intervention (which I believe is HIGHLY over-used). I knew that D’Anne was  in my corner to help me have the most natural labor possible, with the fewest interventions, so that brought me some peace.

While being monitored, I started getting fairly strong contractions. With false labor, they stop when you can get up and move around or change positions. I figured these weren’t stopping since I was strapped down with monitors on my belly and couldn’t get up and walk them off. D’Anne came in, saw the contractions, and said, “Hey! Baby’s heart looks like it’s doing ok…AND…It looks like we may be meeting up at the hospital sometime tonight!”. BIGGEST RELIEF EVER. She told me to go home, get some dinner and go on a walk to see if they kept building.

I called Tay again to let him know what was going on around 5 PM, and told him I was having contractions, but not to get our hopes up….”Stay at work and I’ll call you if this is legit.” I decided I should maybe start timing the contractions while I drove and they were getting close to about 5-7 minutes apart. (They say with second labors to go up to the hospital when they are 5 minutes apart…I STILL didn’t think this was real at this point haha). I stopped at Mo Bettah’s (BEST FOOD EVER)… had a few contractions while waiting in line, got back in the car and drove to my Mom’s where Len was being watched by my sister.

When I got to my moms, the contractions kept coming stronger, harder and closer together while I was porking down my delicious rice and chicken. Luckily, I had Lennyn’s overnight bag in the car. Lenny was SUPER pumped about having a sleepover at Papa Eric and Grandma Kim’s. I gave her a big kiss and told her we would come back and get her tomorrow…and baby sister would be here hopefully! Tay met me, we went out to our home in Richmond, watered the flowers, fed the dog, changed clothes, grabbed the hospital bag (contractions coming about 4 minutes apart at this point) and hopped in the car to head out!

We got to the hospital around 7 PM and checked into our room. I had been dilated to 4 cm. at my appointment and the nurse said we wouldn’t “officially” admit me until I had made quite a bit of progress from that point, because I “was wanting to labor naturally, and we don’t want to have to do unnecessary interventions to make you progress faster”. I was bugged. I knew at this point I was really in labor and I was NOT going home haha. I didn’t progress much in the next hour, so when she checked me I was only at a 5, and she said she would call D’Anne and see what she thought…but I would probably be heading home. (UM NO…I wasn’t going to let that happen haha). D’Anne said to try some nipple stimulation and more walking to see if that would pick up my contractions again. As awkward (and painful) as it was to do nipple stimulation on myself…it did the trick of producing more Oxytocin and got the contractions coming HARD again!

I had forgotten my Birth Plan at home…woops…but told the nurse the gist of it and she was great with doing the intermittent monitoring so I could move about freely.She would come in every so often with the Fetal Doppler to check mine and the baby’s heart rate and it was fabulous!

The next few hours Taylor and I walked around, ate some snacks, and watched “Enough” with J Lo (nothing like a show about a lady wooping her abusive husband’s butt to get you all fired up about being a strong woman!). Whenever contractions would come, I followed my instincts, and the thing that felt best was to lean over a table, the sink, or the exercise ball on the bed and have Tay or D’Anne rub my lower back. While these got harder and closer together, I would focus on their touch, breathe in essential oils (Nutmeg was my favorite during labor) and repeat my affirmations to myself in my head while I breathed through them. A few I focused on were: “I am calm, confident, assured and assertive. My baby feels my calm and confidence. Each surge brings my baby closer.”

Around 10 PM I decided I wanted to labor in the Jacuzzi for awhile. D’Anne dimmed the lights and I stole the bath stool that D’Anne brought out for Taylor (woops haha) and put it in the tub to lean over while D’Anne and Tay put the warm showerhead on my lower back during contractions. SO LOVELY. At this point I didn’t know how far I had progressed and was starting to get a little nervous. When laboring with Lennyn, I got stuck at 7 cm. for about an hour and it was pure hell. That 7th centimeter seemed like a big obstacle to get past in my head. So I told the baby, “When we get out of this tub…we will be at 8 cm…ok?”. Well….she listened! We were at 8 cm. and moving along great!

Around 11/Midnight, I moved into the transition phase of labor, which is undoubtedly the hardest. I couldn’t walk much because the contractions were coming so close and hard. I started to feel the urge to push and the baby descend while I was standing and leaning over the exercise ball on the bed. D’Anne checked me and asked, “Baby is coming…is this the position where you want to deliver?”. I was in the zone at that point so I said, “Yes!”. This made it a little difficult for everyone…haha the nurse was squatting on the ground to monitor the baby’s heart rate, D’Anne was down there too and Tay was leaning over them all to rub my back. Your support crew is SO important and mine was amazing.

I pushed for about 10 minutes standing this way, and then Lo’s heart rate started to drop, so I climbed up on the table, layed on my side, D’Anne had to do an episiotomy like we had to do for Len  (OUCH…I definitely felt this part again), pushed a few times, and she was out!

The moment when your babe is born is the most surreal, spiritual experience. I had requested delayed cord clamping and immediate skin to skin; so the NICU people were there just in case, but they didn’t weigh or measure her until about and hour later so I could bond with my sweet babe. I had told them I was keeping my placenta for Placenta Encapsulation so the had it all saved after Tay cut the cord (which has been SO amazing by the way).

Lola came out so peaceful and was absolutely perfect. She has a TON of hair (all over haha), didn’t have any stork bites and came out perfectly bright eyed. She is an angel baby and we are SO blessed we got her here in such an amazing, perfect way!











Beautiful, crazy, h a p p y days

Life has been SO hectic around here lately! We have been running nonstop to family events, classes, interviews, church duties and appointments since the end of August. Update on the fam:

-TAYLOR is busy working full time as an Accountant here in Logan, as well as getting his Master’s Degree in Accounting full time (online from SUU). He loves the people he works with, the work he does, is doing fabulously well in his classes, and is beyond pumped that it’s football season. We are in full on grown-up-decision-making-mode of what it is we are actually going to do with our lives in May when he graduates. Cache Valley-ites or not? We will see!

-LENNYN will be two freakin years old in a few months! It’s blowing my mind. She learns a new word every other day, and is in full toddler mode. She keeps me on my toes as she tries to climb, throw, roll and leap off of anything she touches. Lots of verbs and “no’s” have been coming out of my mouth lately. She loves to visit both grandparents houses and it’s such a blessing we live so close to both so she can have such a close bond with them all!  We recently moved her into a big girl bed and took away the bink. Both were a little struggle for about a week, but now she is back to fabulous sleeping mode!

-MALLY. I have been busy with my Young Women’s calling and I am learning to just LOVE every second of being with these amazing women and girls. I am taking a Business course to help me certify for my SimplyHealed Energy Work Certification as well as working on energy and foot zone clients. Big things in the works for it all! Attempting to build a brand in my head, get the logo and website designed, and thinking of how to remain true, authentic, and successful to the root reason of why I started this all has my brain more than a little preoccupied the last few weeks! Len and Tay have been super helpful and supportive with my distracted self while I figure it all out. I have also been taking photos for quite a few friends and family and that has been so fun with the Fall season as well! I’ll be putting that hobby on a bit of a hold for a while since I’m busy with the rest of our life!

It’s been a little hectic around here, but all with good, happy, beautiful things!

Tay Headshots and Len’s Sprinkler Run

FUN things happening around here! Tay got accepted into Southern Utah University for his Master’s of Accounting progam, and will start online this Fall. YAY! So we had to hurry and snap a few “professional” shots for him to use.

Completely unrelated, but being smooshed into the same post, is Lennyn’s 7:30 AM sprinkler run this morning. This summer she has become OBSESSED with water. No, not swimming, just splashing and running through it haha. She came toddling over to me this morning with her rain jacket, had me put it on her, and couldn’t be distracted out of wanting to go run out in the sprinklers! It was too adorable.

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The Carolyn Cooper SimplyHealed Method

I recently had the opportunity of being able to be trained in The SimplyHealed Method of Energy Healing. I chose this particular one for many reasons; the main ones being that it’s clean, simple and effective while at the same time not being too “woo-woo”. Here is the gist of it:

SimplyHealed is a powerful method of healing that clears negative emotions on a mental, emotional, and physical level in an easy, non-invasive way. It is simple, proven and effective! It can release stress of any kind whether it is years of abuse or daily things that tend to overwhelm our emotional circuitry.

During a session, SimplyHealed can clear many issues (not just one or two) in a graceful way. Many energy healing modalities work only with Chakras, Auras or Meridians, but SimplyHealed tunes up with all 7 Energy Systems of the body.

In addition, through the SimplyHealed method, flaws in the energetic DNA can be quickly located and repaired, some of which have been in the lineage for many generations. Depression, phobias, addictions, fears, ill-health, even money problems are just a few of the issues that get passed down through the genetic code. With SimplyHealed we can trace it back to it’s orgin and clear it for our lineage and ourselves.

This powerful way of healing helps people heal from past or current traumas without having to re-traumatize them or spend years coming to terms with their painful and challenging past by changing energy patterns as well as subconscious beliefs.

Myself and my family have had profound results with SimplyHealed and I can’t wait to start helping other people as well!

For more information you can email me or go to

Body Love (Not Skinny Love)

Yeesh…this post has been a loooong time coming. Like long time as in 5 years long time. I am 22 years old, Mama to one blue-eyed 18 month old girl, Wifey to one handsome man, Daughter to my Mama, Sister, and Friend to many. I try (on my good days at least;) to always spread a little bit of positivity and love with everyone I come in contact with. However, off and on for the last little bit, you know who I’ve been neglecting in the positivity and love departments? Little ol’ ME.

I’m FINALLY in a spot where I can honestly and truthfully say to my body, “Hey! THANK YOU. I love you!”. GEEZ that’s crazy that it’s taken me this long to be in a good enough place to say that!  Now, I still have many things that I want to improve physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually about myself, but I am happy with my progress so far!

I’ve always been fairly happy with my body, but off and on all women enter into Body Hate Mode. Then… Enter: Baby Carrying Time of Life. Having a baby really wacks out your self-image and identity (at least in my case) and I was on the way to the crash dieting and Body Hate Mode for a while there. And I knew the whole, “My body is amazing because it carried Lenny and birthed and fed her and God made my body and it’s amazing and yada, yada, yada..”. BUT still wasn’t happy with that body of mine. Can you believe that!? However, now it is all soooo much better! It’s a journey that mostly happened on the inside and I wanted to tell you all a bit about how I got here because I literally don’t know O N E woman who hasn’t struggled with Body Hate at one point in their life.So, I’m going to spare you the long version and give you a little list (I’m a list person) of things/peeps that have helped me get where I am.

-Foot Zoning and Energy Work (There are many fabulous Foot Zonologists in the valley and I’m getting certified to do Energy Work in three weeks. Yipee!): For several years I had health problems which caused a lot of physical and emotional problems and eventually led to me being on antidepressants. I did NOT like this *dumb* *sicky* *bad* body of mine. I was in my late teens and early twenties and it was already failing on me! Long story short, Heavenly Father led me to the people who would help me. Foot Zoning (you can read my previous post on that if you don’t know what that is) and Energy Work (many physical and mental problems stem from emotions that we hold in…energy work helps to release them) and they all worked together to get my FABULOUS body that God gave me back on track. It was nothing short of miraculous! I had resigned myself to always feeling sick, but we are here to have joy people! Not be sick and hating on our bodies.

-Beauty Redefined ( This is an AMAZAZAZING nonprofit organization whose goal is to “take back beauty for females everywhere”. Exit out of this blog post and follow them on Instagram and Facebook NOW! They have amazing quotes, articles and more to help women with body image. They make me feel realll good about myself every day.

-Meeting with a Registered Dietitian ( : My fab friend is a dietitian and truly helped me banish all the crazy beliefs and myths I had in my head (from years of Pinterest, internet and magazine spamming) about “good” and “bad” foods. I feel so much more educated and well rounded from a few meetings with her.

-Karen Salmonsohn ( HII. How have I never heard of this author before! She is hilarious, smart and her “How to Be Happy, Dammit.” Daily newsletter makes my day every day and motivates me to stay positive in every aspect of life

-The Small Seed (@thesmallseed on Insta): AMAZING lds quotes that inspire me daily to be an all around better human.

-My dang FitBit ( Guys. It’s Embarrassing how much I love this stupid watch, step tracker, calorie counter thingymajig. I LOVE IT. It helps me be more aware of how active (or not active..ahem) I am each day and motivates me to live a more healthy lifestyle. Not to be skinny, not to post on FB how much I ran that day; but to really help implement more awareness about how I’m treating this body of mine into my life! (Now, maybe for most of you, you don’t need a stupid wrist thingy to do this…but I’m a little lazy haha so I LOVE it. Did you get that? I LOVE IT!)

-Last but not least, all the other amazing people (in books, social media, and of course real life humans) who always inspire me and encourage me in my new goals (even if they are seemingly small). They got my back. (See: I ran the first 5K of my life and I couldn’t of done it without a handful of people…I’m ridiculously proud of that moment hahaha)

I hope that some of these things can help you onto the path that leads to Body Love Land! If you have any other things that have helped you or others I would LOVE to hear about it.